Volunteer and Support a Permaculture Garden & Sanctuary
HEPPY™ is located only 5 miles south of Washington, DC. explore HEPPY by volunteering and supporting us! we’re converting an abandoned property and home into a self-sustaining sanctuary.
to start, we’re planting a 02 acre garden. over 400 types of fruit trees, fruiting shrubs and bushes, fruiting vines are being planted. we also grow edible flowers, herbs, vegetables, medicinal plants, and teas. check-out HEPPY’s list of 400 edible plants.
it’s also an exhibition garden. it’s leadership — an example of ALL the incredible edible plants that produce food. YOU TOO can use our organic gardening, permaculture techniques. see what works in YOUR garden project! use edible plants in your landscape architecture. YOU will make a difference!
explore HEPPY™ by Volunteering and Supporting Us. volunteer, support, teach and learn. add value with ideas and implementation. Be HEPPY!
volunteer & learn!
make YOUR home a sanctuary. learn how to use sustainable agriculture — permaculture — to grow nutritious food 😉 use renewable energy for sustainability. self reliance is empowerment!
we accept all levels of experience — HEPPY™ and You will grow and flourish by volunteering and learning.
learn permaculture techniques
HEPPY doesn’t just plant plants! our edible landscape uses old-school European permaculture gardening techniques, and American ingenuity & grit. we use LOCAL sustainable organic material, technology, and common sense!
our ‘hot tip’: it’s the soil! our garden’s explosive growth proves that old school soil-conditioning techniques work. we ARE sustainable agriculture 😉

abandoned property TO an organic garden
HEPPY™ converted an abandoned property to a thriving organic garden. once filled with invasive weeds and vines, it’s now producing nutritious organic food. why not?!?!
we’re planting over 200 native and well-adapted not-native fruiting plants.
fruiting trees, fruiting shrubs and bushes, edible ground cover, and edible flowers. HEPPY’s plants EXPLODE with growth each season. volunteer and learn permaculture gardening!
a self-sustaining homestead
volunteer to help us become 100% self-sustaining residential home.
HEPPY™ invested in converting a regular “everyday” residential home into a self-sustaining homestead. self sustaining energy using wind, sun, our stream, wells, and rain gutter run-off. steps we’re taking to eliminate our use of energy. and, other self sustaining practices to be financially independent.
we support our community by showing leadership. and, we provide local investment.
JOIN US. how can you help us become 100% self-sustaining? volunteer and support our work towards being a self-sustaining homestead.
health and wellness
the best home is a home that maximizes YOUR healthspan. that’s health and wellness. it’s Quality of Life (QOL).
health and wellness is physical, mental, creative, and financial well-being. also, it’s using common sense practices. that includes practices and behaviors PROVEN to work!
nothing we do is new. yup — full disclosure. but i’m not sure if health and wellness is ‘packaged’ in one location.
HEPPY practices many health and wellness techniques. and, we only just got started. help us get the word out! volunteer or support our health and wellness sanctuary. what can YOU do!?

commercialize and monetize organic gardening and quality of life (qol)
can you help us get the word out?! HEPPY™ is privately funded. and, the sanctuary getting off the ground. we know people want to see and learn about what we do. so help us get the word out!
want to be on TV? YouTube? can you take professional vids and edit? can you get traction via the Net? if you can, then we can share in what you produce. HEPPY’s land + your skills — let’s do it!

volunteer activities
volunteer opportunities are endless. volunteers are needed for everything from setting up the home on a solar system to weeding plant beds, and EVERYTHING in between.
Daily, we:
- propagate plants (potting, from soft/hardwood cuttings, seed, air layering, etc).
- research and categorize edible plant species adaptable to zone 7 and other local conditions.
- expand the farm to grow more plants.
- grafting skills.
- wordpress, website design, ecommerce, affiliate program, YouTube. we have online businesses that need to be be grown and monitored.
- videography and video editing
- share your knowledge of medicinal plants
logo, artistry, design of HEPPY products
special skills that will add value and allows us to be self-sustaining. - signage and QR Code our plant inventory. and, help prepare property for small plant sales and share revenue.
- make herbal, medicinal, tea or food products such as tinctures, oils, salves, dried fruits, pickling by fermentation….
- what can You make & sell out of bamboo?
- crazy ideas: vape products (tobacco, herbs, etc); bonsai; cut flowers; microgreens.
- we turned-down an offer to supply microgreens — we need the YOU — people 😉

volunteer for ongoing, seasonal projects
seasonal projects are ongoing — it’s what the weather and season dictates. potting plants, pruning plants and trees, propagating, maintaining the property, etc. it’s ongoing.
or, we may build something with concrete, paint, install infrastructure, etc. HEPPY™ works in the season and as the weather dictates.

support our comminity
HEPPY™ is located only 5 miles south of Washington, DC. that’s 9 miles from the US Capitol! could we…should we…be so bold as to become economically self-sufficient using common sense? OMG 😉 supporting our community IS supporting health and wellness. for you, us — for the community. a lifestyle oriented to quality of life (qol)!
financial contribution
currently, HEPPY™ is privately funded by a leader of ideas and implementation. our volunteers add value but there’s many small and large — bold — projects that will benefit from your support!
your financial support is not tax deductible BUT is greatly needed and appreciated. EVERY penny will go toward our health and wellness activities. it’s our Wish List.
wish list — big & small
our wish list to move HEPPY™ forward:
- implement a solar system that takes the home completely off-grid.
- automated, solar powered irrigation system.
- windmill technology — research and implement.
- solar power water pumps to use our running stream.
- large 100watt panels that provides electricity away from home.
- up to four 275 gallon water tanks.
- a shed for tools and supplies.
- yards of compost and pine fines, and bags of coconut coir.
- plant pots: 3 gallon, 3/4 gallon, and tall treepots tree growing containers.
- labor 😉